Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday Morning Fun

Wednesday Morning Fun... Grayson Style. 

First, you stack them five high...

Then you add one more... 

and KNOCK them ALL down!!! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

What am I going to do with this boy???

Chocolate Chip cookies were a bad idea...

Spring Break so far

We are enjoying spring break this week!! It has been fun to spend some time at home playing with the little guy. Here are some pictures if our fun so far:

I really took this picture to show that we have NOT worried about our clothes matching OR the don't wear Gamecock apparel on the same day that you wear Tiger apparel rule. 

I caught Grayson sneaking a sip of Jason's Coke Zero. Haha!

Grayson has developed a good throw.

Last night, our little guy spent some time with Aunt Mitzi and the girls while I was in class and Jason was at work. They let him borrow this play tent and he LOVES it!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Yeah, I know... he looks totally sweet and innocent. 

But this boy is wild. 

Climbing on furniture to turn off lights. 

Watching Blues Clues in Mommy's chair. 

Being a grump.

Dipping his fries (oh my!) in ketchup. 

Wanting you to take him on strolls around the neighborhood...

And finding hiding spots in certain cabinets. 

Yep. This boy is wild. Don't let him fool you. :)

Saturday, March 19, 2011

More Outside Play

This is kind of what we do now.... play outside!! Grayson seems to be totally bored with the indoors now, so we try to stay outside as much as possible. He doesn't really do anything other than run around, fall down, and say "I'm stuck".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

It was just a BEAUTIFUL day...

So Grayson and I decided to go outside and enjoy it... 

My backyard... 6:30 p.m.... LOVE this!!

Just exploring.

Sweet baby.

Looking so grown up. 

My favorite smile.

Cute little bottom


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I mean really?!?!

... is this not the cutest kid?? I LOVE him!! 

An oldie, but a goodie. 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Crazy Busy Week

Weeks like these are when I barely feel human... 

Things I need to accomplish this week (mostly a checklist for me):

  1. After-School Rehearsal with 6th Grade (Monday)
  2. Begin Master's Degree program (Monday)
  3. After-School Rehearsal with 7th Grade (Tuesday)
  4. 7th Grade Concert Festival (Wednesday)
  5. 8th Grade Concert Festival (Thursday)
  6. Register students for Solo and Ensemble (Sometime between now and Friday)
  7. Complete OPA application (Sometime between now and Friday)
  8. Get items ready for consignment (Sometime between now and Friday evening)
  9. Consignment appointment (Saturday)
  10. Get dress for Stephanie's wedding altered (Saturday)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dirty Kid

A baby named Grayson decided that he HAD to go outside this afternoon, but because our backyard is still wet from all the rain, this made for a VERY muddy experience...

I should have changed our boy's shirt before we went outside because I don't know if the Spray 'n Wash is going to be able to handle this mess!!

YEP. Dirt on his pants and brand new shirt. 

Those aren't highlights, folks.. that is mud!! 

He is such a cute dirty kid. 

Completely random note: Jason says it is interesting to him that only babies can wear shirts with their names on them. Whatever, I like it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Laundry Day and a Question

Today was Laundry Day at our house....

I would post a picture, BUT... it would literally burn holes in your head.... EVERYTHING was dirty.

Here is the problem I am facing.

School is super stressful for me right now. I'm worried about the budget crisis our state is facing (and how the only answer seems to be to take money from education), I'm trying to get my kids ready for concert festival (March 16th and 17th), I'm signing myself up for an entirely NEW Master's degree program (which ain't cheap... I can tell you that!!). Stressful stuff.

Anyway... when I get home (LATE, as usual) with my darling little boy, we usually just have enough time to cook dinner, hug Jason, get the little one bathed, watch an episode of Blues Clues, read a book to Grayson, put Grayson to bed, and then RELAX for about 15 minutes before it is time for bed.

SO-- my clothes stay dirty. My house stays dirty. I feel zapped of energy....

Do you guys have any tips for dealing with the workload that a house creates??? I'm really willing to listen and try anything. I just LOVE the feeling of a clean house and a stress-free home environment and right now, I'm not getting it.

Tell me what you do. Tell me how it works for you. Even if you don't think it will work for me.... I need to hear ideas and options.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

We Have an 18 Month Old Wild Child!!!!

We went to the pediatrician yesterday for Grayson's 18 month check up... here were some highlights:

  • He weighed 27 pounds and 6 ounces (85th percentile). 
  • He measured 33.5 inches long (85th percentile). 
  • The doctor said that I could begin using Mederma on his scar
  • He received two shots... and just cried a little. 
  • He gave the doctor a "high five"!
One funny story... the poor nurse that walked in to give him his shots looked a little frightened. She was an older lady and said, "I got elected..." as soon as she walked in the room. Apparently no one was looking forward to holding down our little wild child and giving him his shots... but he wasn't too bad... he only cried while Jason was holding him down. 

And just to show you how wild this little boy is now... here is a photo from last night:

How will we ever survive toddlerhood?!?!