Sunday, July 20, 2014

Last few weeks- RECAP :)

We've had Connor with us for almost 4 months now, and life couldn't be any better. I love knowing that our family is whole and complete. I can't lie though... it hasn't been easy. 

Our house isn't as clean as I would like it. Almost every single room has work that needs to be done and our floors desperately need a good mopping. BUT- our hearts are full. 

Interestingly enough, I feel so much less anxious. Whatever anxiety button Grayson seemed to push when he was born has seemed to get pushed back into place by Connor. Maybe it is just knowing that they grow so fast and that I don't want to waste that time being anxious, maybe I really am "fixed"- I don't know. 

I'm beginning to get a little sad about leaving the boys in a few weeks to go back to work. We have truly had a great summer. I have to remind myself that I remember this well with Grayson. My heart kept making me feel bad for being at school with other people's children instead of with my own. BUT- a few months later that feeling was gone and I really have felt that being a working mom has made me a better mommy. I certainly don't think that every mom should have to work to be their best, but I love the opportunity to challenge myself outside of the home and then come back every night and love on my babies.

One day I'll get back to regular blog posts. I like them so much better than these quick "let me catch you up on the past 100 days" ones. Until then- here are some photos I didn't want to forget. 

I had to get Connor a few super cute outfits at the start of summer. Of course, Jason doesn't like these... but I LOVE them!

Grayson has been such a good big brother. He is the perfect mix of wanting to love on his brother while still wanting to do his own thing. I love watching them together. 

Grayson wanted to make this box into a "rocket". I said yes and we spent an afternoon painting . 

Jason found this black widow while he was cutting grass one day. I had to snap a photo. 

Every night we finish our bedtime routine with books and snuggles. Connor has decided that he wants participate. 

When I look at this photo I can't help but just shake my head and say "brothers"!

Love this sweet guy!

Ready for his first Fourth of July!

At the beach!

My kids were the first to get up every day at the beach. They both wake up within minutes of each other around 6:30  each day. 
I mean- this photo makes me want to marry this guy all over again. 

This one, too.... 

Haha... just for fun. :)