Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An Update on Grayson's Heart

Today we went to Grayson's cardiologist again! If you will remember, Way Back in March, we visited the pediatric cardiologist for Grayson's six-month appointment.

Here is a photo of our cute guy at his appointment:

We found out great news!! The ASD that we thought would not get smaller on its own DID! In fact, it is just about as small as it was when he was born. The doctor said we don't need to return again until he is three, and that there is a possibility that we will not need to have a heart catheterization! Yall, last time they told us he might need surgery at three!!

The doctor laughed when he walked into the room and saw our little guy walking all over the place. He said, "You sure can tell that he doesn't have failure to thrive!"

We're really proud of our boy and very happy that his heart appears to be correcting itself. Hopefully we'll have even better news when we go back in two years!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Back to Blogging!!!

Guess what?? Our computer works now!!! I picked up the Macbook from the Apple Store today, and it works better than ever. So.... I have almost an entire month of updates to make!!

I'll start with the cutest pictures ever...

I took Grayson with me to our last football game. I didn't want him to stay the entire time because I knew he would get tired, but I wanted to see what he thought of the band. He LOVED it!!! Look at these cute pictures:

Grayson walked over to the saxophones, sat right down,  and didn't take his eyes off of them for 5 minutes! He clapped and laughed several times!

Doesn't it look like he is leading the band??

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Technical Issues

Our laptop is giving us TONS of issues right now... We'll be back to the blogging world soon, but I am going to need to have a laptop instead of this crazy iPad.