Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

1) BLOG Regularly. I'm thinking that at least once a week sounds do-able. I really don't know who reads this blog... but I definitely do! I love seeing what we were doing at this time last year, or looking up a recipe I put on the blog, or even just looking at old pictures. I have a new computer now and can keep up with things. I'm going to do it.

2) Get the holiday (plus some) weight off. I think I almost always have to start my years this way. In my own little world, I'm convinced that if I can make myself get back on track when needed that I will be good to go. I have some goals for myself that will be easier to reach if I shed this weight... especially if I can do it before summer begins! :)

3) Spend less, save more, pay-off debt. I almost need to have this one plastered on my debit card. 

4) Be more kind to myself and others. I'm currently reading a new book, "Unglued" by Lysa TerKeurst. One of my favorite quotes from the book is, "I can face things out of my control without acting out of control". Wow... that hits home with me. Sometimes I do and say things that I almost immediately regret because I'm frustrated over something that is out of my control.  This bible/book study is already changing my life. My hope is that I can label less and love more this year. 

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Potty Luck

We're FINALLY having a little luck with the potty.

Ya'll... I never thought all of us would feel like we've just conquered Everest, but this potty training is tough!

As of tonight, Grayson has has 4 successful attempts. He reminds us, "And DON'T call me a baby!", because his friends at school have obviously been putting a little bit of peer pressure on him to get this potty thing down.

I'm glad it is happening because these diapers are beginning to get in the way. Wednesday afternoon I picked Grayson up from daycare and he was sitting with the other children who were waiting to get their diapers changed instead of playing outside on the playground with the rest of his class.

The potty prizes have proven to be successful. He will sit on the potty if it means a new pack of crayons or a coloring book... whatever works, right??

Our new goal is no diapers after Christmas Break... we will see how it goes... :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Grayster's 3 Year Old Heart

We visited the cardiologist today for Grayson's 3 year old check-up. See previous posts here.  First of all- the doctor gave us a hard time for bringing him in on his actual birthday. He joked and said, "When I told you I wanted to see him at 3, I didn't mean EXACTLY 3!" When the nurses found out, they quickly passed around a card and brought it in with a t-shirt.

We are so lucky to be blessed with a great pediatric cardiologist who really takes his time with each patient. Unfortunately this means LONG appointments. This one was 2.5 hours. Just his ultrasound lasted 45 minutes. He was a GREAT boy the entire time. He was so polite and let everyone do what they needed to do. We were proud of our little one.

The conclusion? The ASD has not grown in size, however Grayster obviously has. While this problem hasn't caused him any issues yet (except for a one side of his heart to be ever so slightly enlarged) it is one that still needs monitoring. The doctor seemed to be hinting at surgery around age 5, but we'll see. We go back summer of 2014 (right before his 5th birthday).

The sweetest thing happened just as we were leaving... after Grayson had been so good for the appointment, it was finally time to leave. He looked at the doctor, patted his own heart and said, "Thanks for looking at my heart." The doctor didn't know how to respond. He said, "Well... you're welcome. I don't get that a lot. Especially not from 3 year old little boys." That's our guy. Love him to pieces.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Birthday Cupcakes

I cannot tell you how much fun it was to make birthday cupcakes for my little one to send to "school" tomorrow! I really am enjoying watching him grow up!

and this is him on his birthday standing by his Happy Birthday sign at his daycare:

Fun with JuJu

Unfortunately, Grayson's JuJu had to work on the day of his birthday party. However, JuJu and Mr. Steve came up to eat dinner with us and play with Grayson on Sunday evening. It was so much fun for everyone!

Grayson's 3rd Birthday Party

This year we decided to have a swimming party for Grayson's birthday. We reserved the cabana at our neighborhood pool, invited some friends and family, threw together some snacks (and I made a cake!) and had a great time! 

I was so lucky that mom and dad came to help me set up before the party. Jason stayed at the house so that Grayson could take his regular afternoon nap and I ran by and picked them up minutes before the start of the party. It worked out perfectly!

Pinterest inspired birthday cake creation!

This little boy tried to hide a grin once everyone started singing... We saw it, though!!


Grayson and Perrin

Monday, July 23, 2012

Camping 2012

For the last few days we've been spending time CAMPING!!! 

I never thought I would survive, but I did (we ALL did!) and had a great time. We visited Jason's extended family at their old family campsite near Buggs Island, VA. Jason was excited to show Grayson all of his favorite camping activites and Grayson was excited to be perpetually OUTSIDE! 

Someone is excited about camping!!

Look, a pinecone!!

Two Sweet Boys

Grayson ate way more than his fair share of chips this weekend! 

Grayson and Allie (Jason's cousin Lindsey's daughter)

Watching to see how Daddy gets the rocks to skip 

Smiling Boy

I can help!! 

Sweet cousins playing in the tent

Riding back to our campsite! 

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Guy Bonding

Recently, Grayson has discovered the awesome games that his daddy's iPad contains. Playing with the iPad has become one of their bonding activities and both of them love it. 

I use the time to take cute pictures. :)

I love this little video... I especially like to watch Jason around :20. 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fourth of July

We ended up hosting my family's Fourth of July celebration this year! Mom and Dad had a broken A/C unit, so the party was moved at the last minute to our house. I think Grayson had more fun than anyone! He loved having everyone over! 

Making Ice Cream

Crazy Kelsey

Kids Table, lol

Helper Grayson assists Grandma with the ice cream

Seriously... who thought this was a good idea?!?! 

Love my Sparkler Boy!!

FUN with Sparklers!! 


Random Grayson shapes 

